Friday, November 25, 2011

Nana blogger: Birds!

Nana blogger: Birds!


Hope everyone had a grand Thanksgiving.  And, of course, none of us overate!  I haven't cooked many meals in our new place "the condo" but yesterday we cooked the bird, and all the trimmings.  Had some help, I must say. Tom is a very good cook!

I have a puzzle I need help solving.  As you may know, we live on the 10th floor of the complex.  A very nice place to be, by the way.  We look at the tops of trees and other buildings and as such, we are not in anyone's line of fire.  But yesterday what did I spy on one of the glass doors and a wall on the balcony, but an egg splattered all over.  Now how do you suppose that could have happened?  And, it wasn't a bird egg, as there are no nests anywhere around us, above us or below us.  Besides, it was to big to be one of those bird's eggs.  It definitely looked like a very large bird egg - maybe a chicken's egg.  But I've yet to see a chicken fly this high.

I guess there are a few possibilities, like, some kid with a sling shot, some high flying chicken, or even the ducks that fly overhead during the day looking for some water (of which there isn't much anywhere around here).  We've had some very fast winds lately.  My question is, do ducks lay eggs on the fly?  Oh well, we may never know how it got there.  But is sure is a mess to clean up.  I'm afraid I could be blown away if I get up to high to clean that dern window!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Where am I going?

     Today I am certainly not where I expected I'd be at this time in my life.  Does anyone actually end up where they expected to be after age 60+?  Maybe some do, but I think that most do not.  In a way, that may be a good thing.  What a person wants is not necessarily what may be the best.  At least that's what I've heard most of my life.

     When I retired from my nursing career, my thought was that I would have more free time to pursue things I had put off for many years, play more tennis, travel more, relax a little more, read more, yada yada, yada.   Right!  Little did I know.  I should have realized what I was in for when, during my first month in our office, we discovered an embezzler.  That should have gotten my attention.  I guess it did for a while.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my hands on.  What I don't enjoy is how little I can control and how hard I try to control it.  It's a fine line deciding when to let go and when to take over.  Sort of like raising children.  But that's a topic for another day.

     I feel like venting about a decision I should have made several months ago.  I hired (actually re-hired) someone, I'll call her Jane, (not her real name).  At first I thought she was a God send.  We had lost 2 employees and we really needed help.  She called me out of the blue asking for a job.  I hired her part time.  From the very first I questioned myself.  Did I do the right thing?  Is she going to work out?  Did I hire without the right motives?  It became evident from almost the start that I probably had made a mistake.  I had some real misgivings but continued to push them aside.  No, I didn't fire her.  She just decided she didn't like a decision I made and didn't show up for work for the rest of the week.  That took care of the matter and made it easier on me.  Thank you God!  All I can do now is hope that's the end of it.

     Now I have to take on a little more.  Not only do I work 8 to 12 hours most days, I never seem to get done with anything.  I've always prided myself on "neatness".  I never like leaving my desk a mess when I leave for the day.  And I have a hard time with a messy desk while I'm there.  If there is too much "stuff" I can never find anything and it seems so overwhelming at times I don't know where to start.  I am learning to just "dig in" and at the end of the day I make my "pile" beginning with the most important "to-do" on the top.

     That's my life right now.  I try so hard not to have regrets and most of the time I can do that.  I have so much.  A loving husband and family, good friends, many awesome memories, my health, a roof over my head and food to eat (way to much food), and so many other blessings.  When I think about that, I can smile and love life.  It's the other side of me that I have to fight sometimes.  The side that sees the glass half empty instead of half full.  When that side hits me I want to crawl somewhere and stay in a cocoon.  Thank goodness I don't have much of a chance to do that.

     And, thank goodness for my sweet, loving, and generous husband.  As I reread my musings, I realize that without him, I would be one miserable "witchy woman".  He has brought so much to my life.  I can't think of ever being without him.  He is wise, humorous, generous to a fault, kind, loving, appreciative, and has taught me how to laugh and see the humor in all situations that don't seem humorous, how to look for the good things in others, not to judge a book buy it's cover, and how to have fun in the midst of overwhelming adversities.  He is my soul-mate.  The only man for me.  This year we will celebrate 48 years of wedded bliss ( yes, truly wedded bliss).  I love you, honey.

     Enjoy life folks.  Life is way to short to have any regrets.  And enjoy where you are today, because you don't know where you'll be tomorrow.

Monday, February 14, 2011

At last! The meeting.

The day finally arrived.  We drove 5 hours to Dallas and 5 hours home.  The meeting lasted about 3 hours.  What was accomplished?  I'm not really sure.

No offers were made.  Just the possibility of a working relationship if, and that's a big if, we can come to an agreement with the other management company to work "together".
They wanted us to sign leases for the lots our homes sit on "right now".  Sorrrrryyyy, that's not going to happen.  There are many items in their leases that we don't think will work in this community.  And, their park rules and regulations.  We've read through them.  What a joke.  They are not written for a family park environment.  We have rules and regulations that are better suited to our families living in the park.  But, we'll probably have to compromise on that.  

There are 1 or 2 issues on which they seem willing to work with us.  The proposals are in the works now.  We'll have our proposals to them by Tuesday night. 

We are glad we made the trip.  We didn't know what to expect so we had no expectations.  It was hard to plan much, so we listened.  Then we asked for our own time with the servicer - the ones who called for the meeting in the first place.   We discussed things that they were unaware of.  At least, that was our observation.  So, maybe we did make some headway.  It's hard to know at this point.
So, we shall see what we shall see.