Thursday, April 17, 2008

First Blog - a new venture

I've just finished reading my child's blog about her adventure in Kyoto. My daughter, Sarah, is absolutely awesome! She's a free spirit, which often scared the hell out of me. She's 29 and my youngest - I still call her my baby. What mother doesn't call her youngest her baby. Wow, I guess I'm showing my age - or maybe not. But you can probably guess it. I still make her give me all the info about, well, about everything. Sometimes I realize it's TMI. (to much info). I found I get a lot of that now that all my children are adults. Do I really want to know what they did when they were STILL AT HOME!? They're still alive so I guess it's not to important anymore. But that's another story.
Now I have to figure out how to get this word out. My next thing will be attempting to put pics in.

My quote for the day: "Growing old is not for sissies"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Do I really want to know what they did when they were STILL AT HOME!? They're still alive so I guess it's not to important anymore"

Aahhh... you are a very wise woman Lollipops (especially for having such a silly name ... haha)
