Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Missed Birthday

I wrote this at 3:15 am but couldn't post it until just now!
Can you imagine – a mother forgetting her child’s birthday! Tonight as I was relaxing in front of the tube I suddenly remembered – it’s Kristi’s birthday today. And by that time it was way to late to call her. I’ll just do it tomorrow. But, my guilt plays havoc with my head and try as I might, I couldn’t stop rolling it around in my head. How can a mother not remember her child’s birthday!! Kristi, please forgive my thoughtlessness. I do love you. Is it that with every birthday of a child, I am also a year older. And sometimes I have a hard time accepting my own age. Just think of me as “the old Route 66” since that’s where I live.
Now I’m not saying I’m not grateful considering the alternative. (That’s Glen’s favorite answer when I start feeling sorry for myself). It just seems like yesterday when all five were young and at home. And, although, there is certainly something to be said for the “empty nest”, I still miss having them around. I am really looking forward to Thanksgiving when most of them are with us. And, hopefully, we’ll be able to talk and video view Sarah. Now if we could only get Kristi out there with us---------we’ll just have to work on that.
Back to the missed birthday. Birthdays are very special. Celebration of life is really what it should be called. And we should always celebrate ourselves on our birthday, just as we celebrate other special annual events. Actually, I need to celebrate mom, since her birthday would have been Sunday the 19th. Then, again, we can celebrate for no special occasion. Why not wear a party hat some day and let others ask what for. Wouldn’t that blow their minds! We can celebrate nature. After all, isn’t nature beautiful. Celebrate rain, sun, snow, wind, flowers, music, laughter, the endless beauty of whatever is around us at the moment. Celebrate the moment.
Well, I feel somewhat better now. Still, the first thing I’m going to do in the morning (that is if I wake up before noon!) is call Kristi and wish her the happiest of birthdays. And make amends for not calling today (I mean yesterday now, since it’s currently 3:15am on Sunday morning). I
hope you had a great day, Kristi.


Anonymous said...

LOL... I love the idea of wearing a party hat around, just to let others ask, "Why?"

Life is so busy these days, not only did I barely realize you hadn't called, but I actually forgot my own birthday until someone else called & reminded me.

I'll see you at Christmas & we'll put on our party hats then! :)

deedles said...

That sounds like fun!