Saturday, June 30, 2018

Not a good place

Haven't felt this depressed in a while.  I know why.  Haven't gotten my anti-depressant refill yet.  I changed pharmacy details - did it too late to receive it before my meds were gone.  My fault.  I can procrastinate to the point of whatever.

I hate being on meds.  I'm taking 2 B/P meds, a thyroid med, a cholesterol med, and an antidepressant.  I want OFF of them all!  Today, I don't care if I love or die.  I just want to be in a different place.

I love my grandchildren, but don't feel like a good grandmother.
I love my husband, but don't feel like a great wife.
I love my children, but don't feel like a great mom.
I don't like working in the business.
I don't like where I live.
I don't like having to lose weight.
I don't like not being able to afford anything.

God, help me be to be better at everything.

I hope I feel better about everything soon!!

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