Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Missed Birthday

I wrote this at 3:15 am but couldn't post it until just now!
Can you imagine – a mother forgetting her child’s birthday! Tonight as I was relaxing in front of the tube I suddenly remembered – it’s Kristi’s birthday today. And by that time it was way to late to call her. I’ll just do it tomorrow. But, my guilt plays havoc with my head and try as I might, I couldn’t stop rolling it around in my head. How can a mother not remember her child’s birthday!! Kristi, please forgive my thoughtlessness. I do love you. Is it that with every birthday of a child, I am also a year older. And sometimes I have a hard time accepting my own age. Just think of me as “the old Route 66” since that’s where I live.
Now I’m not saying I’m not grateful considering the alternative. (That’s Glen’s favorite answer when I start feeling sorry for myself). It just seems like yesterday when all five were young and at home. And, although, there is certainly something to be said for the “empty nest”, I still miss having them around. I am really looking forward to Thanksgiving when most of them are with us. And, hopefully, we’ll be able to talk and video view Sarah. Now if we could only get Kristi out there with us---------we’ll just have to work on that.
Back to the missed birthday. Birthdays are very special. Celebration of life is really what it should be called. And we should always celebrate ourselves on our birthday, just as we celebrate other special annual events. Actually, I need to celebrate mom, since her birthday would have been Sunday the 19th. Then, again, we can celebrate for no special occasion. Why not wear a party hat some day and let others ask what for. Wouldn’t that blow their minds! We can celebrate nature. After all, isn’t nature beautiful. Celebrate rain, sun, snow, wind, flowers, music, laughter, the endless beauty of whatever is around us at the moment. Celebrate the moment.
Well, I feel somewhat better now. Still, the first thing I’m going to do in the morning (that is if I wake up before noon!) is call Kristi and wish her the happiest of birthdays. And make amends for not calling today (I mean yesterday now, since it’s currently 3:15am on Sunday morning). I
hope you had a great day, Kristi.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Camera Tickets

Never thought this would happen to me. Turns out, it didn't. I came home from my board meeting tonight - had not been home all day - and Glen was already asleep. I looked at the mail and saw - of all things - one of those dreaded tickets that they send because the camera caught my car going through a red light. Well, yes, it was my car all right. But I honestly didn't remember being there, and going through a red light. Certainly I would remember that. I looked at the date and time and wondered where in the world was I going.
The ticket will cost $75. I thought, "guess I'll just have to buck up and pay it. Damn!" Then came my "ah ha" moment. That night I was at another one of my board meetings. I was there by 6:15. The picture was taken at 6:55PM. Guess who was driving my car that night!! Well, it wasn't me! Glen used the car that night to go to dinner with some clients! HE WAS DRIVING! Yesss! I'm off the hook! Whew! So I had to wake him up to tell him the news.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

What's new?!

With all that's going on in the news these days, it's a wonder I can sleep at all. Tonight is one of those nights that sleep won't come. So instead of tossing and turning and trying to solve all the problems of the world in my head, I thought it was time to post something since it's been a while. Probably no one will read it, but I feel like writing it.

Financial disaster: Not personal disaster. Just the state of the nation. I never really thought about it, but I guess we are really headed toward a big recession - maybe even a depression (I'm already being treated for that but I guess that's another story). I think I was lucky enough to take the money (what little there is) out of Merrill Lynch the first of this year. I have it in annuities so it's probably a little safer than the stocks I had. But I still have my doubts. Nothing I can do about it now. As for the "bail out", or whatever they are calling it tonight, I'm not sure how I feel about it. No one bails me out of my financial disasters. I have to cut my spending and budget better if I get into financial hell. I don’t know a lot about this bill, but what I’ve heard has me favor it one minute and diss it the next. And the added “pork”. Sometimes I wonder what our representatives and senators are thinking. Do they really care about us? I guess only time will tell. And I’m sure not going to be able to buy a new car anytime soon, so I hope my gas guzzling Expedition will last another 100,000 miles!

Politics: I love Sarah Palin! What a refreshing ray of sunshine in the gloomy cloud of Washington politics. Yes, I am a Republican and proud of it. But I wasn’t sure, and still am not, about our prospects under McCain. I’ve always been a supporter of GW and still am. I don’t put the blame for this economy totally on him. After all, congress and the Senate is run by dems. They share most of the blame. As far as the Iraq war, I believe we went in for the right reasons, and I still support our President on the war. God bless our troops.
What scares me more than McCain, is what will it be like under Obama. I remember some years ago, when I first heard him speak. I really was impressed. He had a way of grabbing my interest and I thought at that time, he’d make a good president. But the more I hear, the less I like it. Higher taxes, especially for small businesses like ours. It would break us. We’re having a hard enough time as it is. No breaks for us. That’s what I see under the Democratic leadership of Obama. I’ve always believed that the Dems are in favor of big government. That’s not something we need. Remember, if your old enough, the “great society” of the Johnson era. Not so great. Only great for the welfare folks. And that’s not so great for them either.

Work: It seems that most of my stress these days comes from work. Sometimes I wonder if I should have stayed in nursing. At least most of the time I didn't have to bring it home! Since we manage to put off filing taxes until the last possible moment, my procrastination shows it's ungly head. I wonder if I shouldn't have bribed Kathy in some way, to come out and HELP. Oh well, I guess I have to go it on my own eventually. But, OMG, it's not fun. I've been taking the taxes home every night to work on. Luckily, gotomypc is an absolute godsend. I can work on my office desktop from my home lap top. At least I'm at home. I don't get to be home very often. But, that's why I stay up so late. I work until I can't keep my eyes open, which is usually about 1 or 2 am. I'm always thinking that I can do it at the office. (Silly me). And the stress is about to wear me out. Yes, sometimes I'm on the verge of tears. And I wonder how Glen can put up with me. Thank goodness for my stress meds!

Cruises: Well, what can I say about the fabulous time we had cruising the inland passage with my brothers and sisters. It was absolutely perfect. I am so happy we took that opportunity to spend time together. Thank you, Julie, for getting it all together. It just happened that Glen & I would celebrate our 45th anniversary while we were cruising. Could there have been anything better! Now, look at the picture and surely you would never know that it’s been 45 years!! Thanks to Gail, for thinking of this picture pose. We had the entire deck in stitches! And after we did it, others did similar groupings. But, we were the first! And the bestest!

We spent a wonderful 7 days, seeing beautiful sights, having great conversations, and, having lots of fun.

And, I left the best for last. While playing bingo, I WON ANOTHER CRUISE! So, in February, Glen and I will cruise the Eastern Caribbean.

Thanksgiving 2008: Now, we are looking forward to our annual Thanksgiving get together with our children and grandchildren. This year it's in Oceanside, California, on the beach right at the pier. Since Jen will be "with child", and she probably won't be able to travel, we are bringing the family to her. What fun. And since so many of our friends and family live nearby, we hope to see them, too.

Sarah, our wanderer: Isn't technology a wonderful thing. Last Friday, we actually got to talk with her for 45 minutes using Skype. We even got to see her! I love it. You know, even though she lives in Texas, Austin is a "fer piece" from here. 9 hours to be exact. So, needless to say, we don't get there very often. But just knowing that's she's half a world away (almost), makes me triple lonesome for her. So to be able to see her and visit with her just like she's in the same room, is awesome and serves to sooth my motherly longings. She looks great. Her vacation time in August was spent travelling to Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand. What a great opportunity for her. But I can hardly wait to have her back on US soil. I am hoping that when we are together for Thanksgiving we can "skype" her so we can be together at least a little.

Fall: I love the fall in Amarillo. The only thing I don't like about it, is that it means winter will be here soon and with that comes freezing weather. No matter how long I've lived here (25 years), I will never enjoy the cold. I'm a summer person. But, there is something to be said about the change of seasons. Spring is so beautiful and promises the warmth and fun of summer. So, I guess my two favorite seasons are spring and fall. Summer's not so bad, either.

Well, I guess I'm getting a little sleepy. Maybe I can catch a few before it's time to get up again. Until later, bye ya'll.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

San Diego Remembrances

I can't believe what I just did. I actually deleted the posting I worked on for an hour. Now I have to start over again!

Well, what I was saying - - - - I am having a walk down memory lane. As we arrived in San Diego, I realize how much I miss it. Not that I could ever live here again - can't really afford it - but to be back here is like going back in time. Sort of. I remember so many things as we drive around, yet so much is different.

We're staying in the gas lamp district downtown. It use to be the "red light" district many years ago. Now there are restaurants, bistros, condos, shopping mall, civic center, and much more. We walked to the train depot yesterday. I use to take the train home every week end from Mercy College. The depot still looks the same, but the trains have upgraded a lot. We plan to have Erik and take the train to Oceanside on Wednesday. That should really be a "trip". For us and for Erik! Though his mom's not to sure about it.

Jen got us tickets to see Dionne Warwick and Kool and the Gang in concert on Saturday. Brian and girlfriend, Marissa, joined us. It's so hard to believe that Brian is now 19 and finished his first year at college. We love visiting with him. It's so uplifting to talk with Jen's co workers. They all speak so highly of her. Makes a mama's heart proud. And, by the way, we're going to be grandparents again - -Jen and Dave are expecting in January. Whaa Hoooo!

Now, this post is nothing like I wrote originally. I was doing some major introspection. Guess I wasn't suppose to do that, because it deleted before I could post. So, this is what you get.

Tomorrow we hit the Del Mar Fair. I think they call it something else now but I can't remember what it is. We are taking Erik and Jen is playing hooky from work to go with us. On Wednesday morning I am have breakfast with 2 dear friends that I haven't seen in many years. Mostly, we spend the time with Mark, Sean & Erik, and Jen. Dave has gone to Iraq, he left the day before we arrived. We miss him, and send him our love and prayers. He'll be back in October so we will see him then!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Sleepless in Amarillo

Well, it's late, I can't sleep, so here's something to do. I'm feeling very sorry for myself at this moment. It always happens on days that are suppose to be special. My birthday, Mother's Day, holidays, summer days, winter days, yadayadayada. As Jen would say, it is what it is. So, I imagine that after Glen and I have Mother's Day brunch at the club, I'll come home and plant something. I better, since I have newly bought plants waiting to join mother earth. And I always feel better when I've accomplished something like that.

As I sit comfy on my sofa, the wind is howling and it's somewhat chilly outside. I love to listen to the wind. It's soothing. I am hoping for some badly needed rain to green up the lawn. Watering once weekly doesn't seem to get the job done. (I wonder why?!)

I really am so blessed at this time in my life. What more could a mom want than to see her children grown and accomplish so much in life. Even though all of them are so far away, I feel close. And what wonderful places to visit all of them. Florida, California, Austin, and now even Japan. One of these days, they may get really tired of our visits, because when we retire, we plan lots of visits!

I miss you guys! Bye for now.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Gardening in the Spring

So, it's already noon and I'm still lounging in my robe. Guess that's why I always stay up late on Sunday nights. Not a good way to start the week. The yard still has more weeds than grass. As much as I love being outside, the job seems overwhelming at times. I just have to keep thinking about how much I love looking at my accomplishment once the job is done.

As I look outside right now, my salvia/sage are twice as big as they were last Sunday. My lilacs have finished blooming and the wind has blown what’s left of the blooms all over the patio. I took out 2 rose bushes and still have the bruises to prove it. The grass is in need of fertilizer/weed kill and won’t be green until next month. That’s the thing about Bermuda, it’s the last to green and the first to brown. I’ve taken the fake pointsettias out but haven’t put any real plants in. Maybe I’ll just put in some fake daisies. I’m sure the neighbors talk about the lady with the fake plants in the front yard!

I think I spend more time on this blog trying to figure out how to do it. Since I post maybe once a week, I have to relearn what I learned last week. I really need one of my children to tutor me. Any takers. . . . ?

I have enabled comments so please feel free to send any advice you may have! I need all I can get. Try to send tips on “easy care, low moisture requirements”. And things I don’t have to plant new every year!

Till next time.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Fun on Sunday

Glen is in Austin for a few days. I'm on my own. So much I'd love to do, but can't decide which one to do first. I've taken a walk. Haven't done that in a while. The weeds have overtaken the back yard. When others have a green thumb, mine seems to be brown. Weeds love my back yard!

So--- that's what I'm going to do. PULL THEM.

You know, I can go through the day just thinking about doing things, letting time get by me, and never accomplishing anything. Then, the guilt hits and I admonish myself for having wasted so much time. Today, I'll forgive myself for being non productive so far.

I miss you all.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

First Blog - a new venture

I've just finished reading my child's blog about her adventure in Kyoto. My daughter, Sarah, is absolutely awesome! She's a free spirit, which often scared the hell out of me. She's 29 and my youngest - I still call her my baby. What mother doesn't call her youngest her baby. Wow, I guess I'm showing my age - or maybe not. But you can probably guess it. I still make her give me all the info about, well, about everything. Sometimes I realize it's TMI. (to much info). I found I get a lot of that now that all my children are adults. Do I really want to know what they did when they were STILL AT HOME!? They're still alive so I guess it's not to important anymore. But that's another story.
Now I have to figure out how to get this word out. My next thing will be attempting to put pics in.

My quote for the day: "Growing old is not for sissies"